Dog Day Care and Boarding

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Daily Schedule

Monday - Saturday
7-8 am Check in Hour
8-11 am Playgroup
11 am Crate time / lunch
12 - 4 pm Naptime
4 - 7 pm Playgroup
7 pm Crate time / dinner / lights out
Check-in Hour 7-8 AM Mon-Sat: New arrivals will check in peacefully and have a quiet hour to sniff around and meet one another. First timers MUST check in at 7 AM sharp so we have extra time to get to know them too!

Playgroup 8-11 AM Mon-Sat: Pups will be introduced under supervision to one another until all pups are comfortable and relaxed. Boisterous pups will be kept separate from the less experienced pups until they settle down. We will mix and match until everybody is happy. In general, most pups will end up together, free-ranging between various play areas.
Crate time/lunch 11 AM: Pups will be brought in to the air conditioned/heated kennel building and introduced to their crate. After all pups are in, lunch will be served. Stainless steel water and food bowls are provided.

Naptime 12-4 PM: Lights out quiet/nap time. (BUSINESS IS CLOSED)

Playgroup 4-7 PM: Pups will head outside in their assigned group for more playtime. Inexperienced pups will be introduced to the big group if appropriate, since the afternoon is less boisterous. BUSINESS CLOSES AT 7 PM but this playgroup may start late and last into the evening in summer to avoid the heat. In winter, it will start early and end at dark. Daycampers must check out by 7 PM.

Crate time/Dinner/Lights Out 7 PM: Boarding pups will return to their crates for dinner, followed by lights out.

Sunday Schedule: Similar to the weekday schedule, but shorter playgroups to accommodate church and checkouts. Lunch is at 9 AM. Checkouts begin at 2 PM.